Will I lose weight if I eat only one meal per day?

Many weight loss plans encourage people to eat 1 or 2 meals per day in order to keep their calories down, but the amount of food consumed at these meals will most likely only translate into a light snack for someone with a healthy metabolism.

Moreover, certain aspects of intermittent fasting- such as eating an exact same meal within an 8 hour window each day- can actually trigger binge behaviors and compensate for time lost with food by overconsuming other caloric sources later in the day.

If you're looking for a weight loss plan that has good results, consult your doctor about clinical monitoring of your ideal body mass index range and consider using programs like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig that specialize in dietary, lifestyle, social, emotional and physical aspects of health.

A single meal will limit your diet, which isn't good for weight loss. Eating with in any given day encourages the body to burn fat and release hormones that suppress hunger. The National Weight Control Registry is a study of individuals who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for over one year.

These successful losers reported eating three meals per day on average. Meanwhile, people who eat only once or twice per day (skipping breakfast) are four times more likely to be obese than regular eaters, according to one recent study-even though they may be consuming less food overall calories!

Therefore, if you're looking for weight loss—three meals might work better than two or one.

Well-designed human studies have proven that calorie restriction can increase lifespan. One study in monkeys found that caloric consumption was cut back by 36% and extended the maximum lifespan from 27 to 32 years. In humans, one study found consistent benefit with a 15% reduction in calories for obese participants over 6 months; it also reduced.

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