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"Sled dragging is a great tool for building your work capacity, improving your recovery between heavy training sessions and building serious levels of total body strength!"

Dear Strength Athlete or Fitness Professional:

Are you looking for a versatile training implement that will yield a variety of exercises but don't want to bust your budget?

The implement you need is the Sled. Sled dragging is becoming one of the most commonly used training strategies at the university level for conditioning purposes.

Are you tired of being out-conditioned on the field or on the court?

Are you tired of seeing your team get manhandled day in and day out with no end in sight?

Does next year's salary depend on this year's performance?

Hello, we are the Diesel Crew and we are experienced Strength and Conditioning Coaches, and competitive strength athletes.

We've just about seen it all in the strength and conditioning field, and we've tried just about all of the gadgets and gimmicks too.

We firmly believe that sled dragging is a practice each athlete should take up to get the most out of their training time and to be the best they can in competition.
