Call of Duty Mobile Best Guns Comparison

The Call of Duty Mobile best guns comparision helps you to figure out which gun can perfom better in different situation. Here you can find all the guns comparision to figure out which gun can be your main choice.

[Note] Each guns doesn't equippend any attachment when doing

AK117 VS Type 25

Two of the best close range guns in COD Mobile face off the comparison.

Find out the comparison of AK117 and Type 25 in COD Mobile here.

AK117 VS Type 25 Comparison

Find out the comparison between AK117 vs Type 25 in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

AK117 VS Type 25 Overview

Find out the comparison of AK117 and Type 25 in COD Mobile here.

When talking about the best close range gun to use in COD Mobile these 2 gun will get mentioned most of the time.

Type 25 and AK117 are mostly known by a lot of high rank players and most preffered gun by professional players.

AK117 VS Type 25 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparision.

Fire Rate7070


AK117 vs Type 25 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

AK117 has less damage than Type 25 but it has higher accuracy and range.

High accuracy: Having higher accuracy allows AK117 to hit the enemy easier especially when the target is strafing or moving.

High range: Having high range allows AK117 to hit the target further than Type 25.

Type 25

Type 25 vs AK117 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Type 25 has more damage than  AK117 but lower accuracy and range.

High damage: Having higher damage allows Type 25 to kill an enemy faster if landed all of the shots.

Comparison Result

Type 25 win the comparison by having more damage. 

In close range combat all you need is a weapon that has high damage and fast fire rate, accuracy and range doesn't really matter.

At this comparison you can see that both Type 25 and AK117 fire rate are the same and Type 25 has more damage.



Type 25 took the first place of best close range guns by having higher damage than AK117. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.




Comparison between AK47 and ASM10 helps you figure out which is the best gun in COD Mobile to use in long range.

Find out the comparison of AK47 and ASM10 in COD Mobile here.

AK47 VS ASM10 Comparison

Find out the comparison between AK47 vs ASM10 in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

AK47 VS ASM10 Overview

Find out the comparison of AK47 and ASM10 in COD Mobile here.

Both AK47 and ASM10 are a good gun to use in long range combat. Here we do the comparison to see which one stand out best for long range shooting.

AK47 VS ASM10 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison

Fire Rate5555


AK47 vs ASM10 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

AK47 has higher damage, mobility and support longer range than ASM10.

Long range: AK-47 support longer range than ASM10 which can hit the enemy farther.

High damage: Having higher damage allows AK-47 to eliminate the enemy faster than ASM10.

High mobility: When using this gun you can move faster than when you are using ASM10.


ASM10 vs AK47 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

ASM10 is more accurate than AK47 which alllows the gun to hit moving target much easier.

Comparison Result

AK47 win the comparison by having more damage, and support longer range than ASM10.

However the AK47 has heavier recoil than ASM10.


AK47 took the first place of best long range guns by having higher damage and supported long range than ASM10. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.



M4 VS LK24

Here is a comparison for two of the most accurate gun in COD Mobile: M4 VS LK24.

Find out the comparison of M4 and LK24 in COD Mobile here.

M4 VS LK24 Comparison

Find out the comparison between M4 vs LK24 in Call of Duty Mobile.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

M4 VS LK24 Overview

Find out the comparison of M4 and LK24 in COD Mobile here.

These two guns has very high accuracy and are two of the most underrated assault rifle in Call of Duty Mobile. The comparison of M4 and Lk24 is to find out which gun is more accurate during a combat.

M4 VS LK24 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

Fire Rate6062


M4 vs LK24 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

The only thing M4 has higher advantage over LK24 is the accuracy.

High accuracy: High accuracy allows M4 to hit moving target better.


M4 vs LK24 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

LK24 has higher damage, fire rate, and support longer range than M4.

Higher damage: Having higher damage allows LK24 to eliminate the enemy quicker than M4.

Higher fire rate: Having higher fire rate mean that LK24 will shoot faster.

Longer range: LK24 can reach longer range than M4 when firing.

Comparison Result

M4 win the comparison by having more accurate than LK24 but beside that LK24 win almost every other stats from damage to range.


M4 took the first place of being one of the must accurate gun in COD Mobile but LK24 is also a good gun to use since it has more damage, fre rate, and long range.

Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.


DL Q33 VS Locus

Two of the highest damage sniper face each other in this comparison to figure out which one is the best sniper in COD Mobile.

Find out the comparison of DL Q33 and Locus in COD Mobile here.

DL Q33 VS Locus Comparison

Find out the comparison between DL Q33 vs Locus in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

DL Q33 VS Locus Overview

Find out the comparison of DL Q33 and Locus in COD Mobile here.

The argument between DL Q33 and Locus to see which sniper has the best stats and good to use in Call of Duty Mobile. However, the Locus is hard to get in the currently game phase.

DL Q33 VS Locus Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

StatsDL Q33Locus
Fire Rate1517

DL Q33

DL Q33 vs Locus Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

DL Q33 is more accurate than Locus sniper rifle.

Higher accuracy: Having higher accuracy allows DL Q33 to hit moving target much easier than Locus.


DL Q33 vs Locus Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Locus has more damage and also fire rate than DL Q33.

Higher damage: Having higher damage allows Locus to to deal heavier damage.

Fire rate: Having higher fire rate allows Locus to shoot faster.

Comparison Result

Locus win the comparison by having more damage and fire rate than DL Q33.


Locus took the first place against DL Q33 sniper rifle. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.



DL Q33 VS Arctic.50

The rival of sniper rifle and one of the most debate topic in COD Mobile community.

Find out the comparison of DL Q33 and Arctic.50 in COD Mobile here.

DL Q33 VS Arctic.50 Comparison

Find out the comparison between DL Q33 vs Arctic.50 in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

DL Q33 VS Arctic.50 Overview

Find out the comparison of DL Q33 and Arctic.50 in COD Mobile here.

Before Locus these two sniper go back and fourth on each other, DL Q33 has high damage and Arctic.50 has shoot like an assault rifle. Here is the compairison to help you find out both sniper versatility.

DL Q33 VS Arctic.50 Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

StatsDL Q33Arctic.50
Fire Rate1530

DL Q33

DL Q33 vs Arctic.50 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

DL Q33 has higher damage and much accurate than Arctic.50 Sniper rifle.

Higher damage: Having higher damage allows to DL Q33 to eliminate if the shot landed properly.

High accuracy: Having higher accuracy allows the gun to hit the enemy easier as well as moving target.


DL Q33 vs Arctic.50 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Arctic.50 has higher fire rate and mobility than DL Q33 sniper rifle.

Higher Fire Rate: Having higher fire rate allows Arctic.50 to shoot faster than DL Q33.

Higher Mobility: Having higher mobility allows you to run faster when using Arctic.50.

Comparison Result

DL Q33 win the comparison by having higher damage and accuracy than Arctic.50 sniper rifle.


DL Q33 took the first place agianst Arctic.50 by having more damage and accuracy. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.




A comparison for the least love gun in COD Mobile because they need some love.

Find out the comparison of XPR-50 and M21 EBR in COD Mobile here.

XPR-50 VS M21 EBR Comparison

Find out the comparison between XPR-50 vs M21 EBR in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks, and weapon attachment did not compared.

XPR-50 VS M21 EBR Overview

Find out the comparison of XPR-50 and M21 EBR in COD Mobile here.

XPR-50 and M21 EBR is an auto sniper rifle that has similar stats and traits. Each gun can eliminate enemy with 2 or 3 shots but one of these is harder to use. Find out here.

XPR-50 VS M21 EBR Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

StatsXPR-50M21 EBR
Fire Rate4035


XPR-50 vs M21 EBR Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

XPR-50 has higher fire rate than M21 EBR which allows this gun to shoot faster and can eliminate enemy quicker than the M21.


XPR-50 vs M21 EBR Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

M21 EBR has higher accuracy and support longer range than the XPR-50.

High accuracy: Allows M21 EBR to hit the target easier and having lighter recoil when firing.

Long range: Allows M21 EBR to hit the target farther than XPR-50.

Comparison Result

M21 EBR win the comparison because it is easy to use and can eliminate enemy at longer range than XPR-50.


M21 EBR took the first place for being an easier auto sniper rifle to use and can reach farther target than the XPR-50. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.




Two of the best close range smg face off the comparison to find out the best close range smg in COD Mobile.

Find out the comparison of AKS-74U and PDW-57 in COD Mobile here.

AKS-74U VS PDW-57 Comparison

Find out the comparison between AKS-74U vs PDW-57 in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focused on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compare.

AKS-74U and PDW-57 Overview

Find out the comparison of AKS-74U and PDW 57 in COD Mobile here.

AKS-74U and PDW-57 have known as the good close-range SMG that can take down the enemy in just a few seconds. Which one is the best Sub Machine gun in COD Mobile. Let's settle it out!


AKS-74U VS PDW-57 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

Fire Rate6050


AKS-74U vs PDW-57 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

AKS-74UAKS-74U has more fire rate, accuracy, and range than PDW-57, but it has low damage.

High fire rate: Having a higher fire rate is an advantage that allows the AKS-74U to shoot faster than PDW-57.

High accuracy: Having a higher accuracy allows AKS-74U to hit more targets as well as the moving targets.

High range: Having a higher range allows AKS-74U to shoot enemy further than PDW-57.


AKS-74U vs PDW-57 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

PDW-57 has more damage, but it has less fire rate, accuracy, and range than AKS-74U.

High damage: Having higher damage allows PDW-57 to eliminate an enemy faster.

Comparison Result

AKS-74U win the comparison by having more fire rate, accuracy, and range than PDW-57 Sub Machine gun in COD Mobile.


At this conclusion, you can see that AKS-74U clearly having higher advantages than PDW-57. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.



MSMC VS Razorback

Another comparison to find out the best smg in COD Mobile between MSMC and the new smg Razorback.

Find out the comparison of MSMC and Razorback in COD Mobile here.

MSMC VS Razorback Comparison

Find out the comparison between MSMC vs Razorbak in Call of Duty Mobile.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

MSMC VS Razorback Overview

Find out the comparison of MSMC and Razorback in COD Mobile here.

MSMC and Razorback are two of the best submachine gun that perform really well in close and medium range however, Razorback is harder to get. Find out which gun you should use here.

MSMC VS Razorback Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

Fire Rate7050


MSMC vs Razorback Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

MSMC has less damage than Razorback but it has higher fire rate, accuracy, mobility, and range.

High fire rate: Allows MSMC to shoot faster than Razorback and can eliminate enemy quicker.

High accuracy: Allows MSMC to hit moving target much easier than Razorback.

High mobility: When using MSMC you can run faster than when using Razorback.

Long range: Allows MSMC to hit the target at much farther range.


MSMC vs Razorback Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

The onlything that Razorback won over MSMC is that the gun have higher damage.

High damage: Allows Razorback to deal higher damage than MSMC.

Comparison Result

MSMC win the comparison by having a lot more advantage than the Razorback.


MSMC took the first place against Razorback by having higher stats. Think the comparison result is not fair? Leave your comment down below.



S36 VS UL736

The comparison between S36 and UL736 LMG to helps you main the correct best lmg in COD Mobile.

Find out the comparison of S36 and UL736 in COD Mobile here.

S36 VS UL736 Comparison

Find out the comparison between S36 vs UL736 in Call of Duty Mobile here.

The comparison is mainly focus on each gun stats, gun skin perks and weapon attachment did not compared.

S36 VS UL736 Overview

Find out the comparison of S36 and UL736 in COD Mobile here.

S36 and UL736 are arguably two of the best light machine gun in Call of Duty Mobile currently. Both guns have a lot of ammo that can kill multiple enemies in 1 magazine.

S36 VS UL736 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

Fire Rate7560


S36 vs UL736 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

S36 has more damage and fire rate than UL736 but is has less accuracy and range.

High damage&l


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